Spring Batch tutorial

Spring Batch provides developers with two separate approaches to batch programming:

1. Process a small batch of records in a single step using a Tasklet.
2. Process a large batch of records in chunks using the ItemProcessor.

Advanced Spring Batch example

In this advanced batch processing tutorial with Spring Boot, we explore the ItemProcessor approach that requires the creation of five separate components:

  • An ItemReader to ingest records.
  • An ItemWriter to handle processed records.
  • An ItemProcessor to transform records.
  • A Step component to tie together a reader, writer and processor.
  • A Job component to define the steps required.

Spring Boot and Spring Batch

This Spring Batch tutorial goes through the use case of chunk processing a CSV file to mask any numbers it contains by replacing them with an asterisk. To keep the tutorial manageable, we'll only process a small number of records, but the analogy is easily applied to CSV files with thousands of lines or JDBC databases containing millions of records.

If you want to master batch processing in Spring and Spring Boot, this tutorial on Spring's ItemProcessor will get you well on your way.

Cameron McKenzie has been a Java EE software engineer for 20 years. His current specialties include Agile development; DevOps; Spring; and container-based technologies such as Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes.

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