SOAP web services bottom-up approach example in Java using Eclipse
Before there was EJB 3.0 and the annotation based approach to SOAP web services creation, there were Eclipse tools and Apache Axis web services frameworks that made it possible to take a bottom-up approach to SOAP web services creation. And what exactly is a bottom-up web services approach? In essence, you would take a POJO or a JavaBean and tell an Eclipse wizard to create a WSDL file and all of the supporting classes required to make the methods of the JavaBean available as a web service. Apache Axis played a big role in the process as well. This SOAP web services bottom-up approach example in Java using Eclipse demonstrates exactly how a bottom-up web service mapping was done.
SOAP web services bottom up approach
The following video takes you through the entire process of creating a SOAP web service using Eclipse’s bottom-up mapping tools. We will debrief the basic steps below.
Bottom-up web services example
The basic steps following in the SOAP web services bottom-up approach example in Java using Eclipse video were as follows:
- Create a dynamic web project
- Create a JavaBean that will provide methods to be invoked over the web
- Open the Eclipse web services wizard and choose the bottom-up web service approach
- Choose the JavaBean whose methods are to be invoked over the web
- Click Finish on the Eclipse web services wizard and allow the bottom-up web services mapping to happen
- Deploy the SOAP web service to a Java EE application server that supports the Java EE web profile. Tomcat or the WebSphere Liberty profile are possible options
- Test the SOAP web service using Eclipse’s web services explorer
And that’s it. That’s all there is to creating a SOAP web service in Java with a bottom up approach.
Modern web services development
Looking for a more modern approach to web service development? Here are some of the latest REST tutorials and SOAP web services examples that we’ve published on TheServerSide. We highly recommend them.
- The RESTful APIs tutorial: The ins and outs of effective RESTful web services
- A step-by-step RESTful web services example with Spring Boot
- Modern SOAP web services development in Java with Eclipse
- Create SOAP components using a top-down web services approach?
- SOAP vs REST: Which to choose?
- How to open a JAR