Future-proofing your applications: Fix it now, not later

There’s a saying that goes “Why do it tomorrow when you can do it today?” and that is exactly the kind of mindset designers and developers should have. The demand for rushing software to the market has developers adopting more of a “we’ll fix it later” mentality with a less emphasis of good, high-quality software engineering. This is why it’s time to future-proof your applications.

Future-proofing is a concept that means having the right architecture in place so applications are capable to be modified and updated accordingly. And it is this exact kind of thinking that developers should apply. It’s an important element with respect to performance as organizations are then able to better embrace new technologies, trends and protocols. Instead of trying to get your product on the market as soon as possible and fixing the bugs later, Theresa Lanowitz, founder of Voke, argues professionals should be investing a little bit more time to prevent fixing those bugs at another time.

Of course there will always be bugs, and there will always be different rows and columns that will need to change. Future-proofing doesn’t eliminate that. It’s about making your product just that much better before it’s out there in the open.

As we enter an era of more Internet of Things and wearables, developers should commit more to performance monitoring and testing. No one can deny the constantly evolving technological landscape and as a result of that, monitoring and testing should include preparing for the future. At the end of the day, if your application or product doesn’t perform as intended, what’s the point right?

Lanowitz believes where we are today is market trumps quality.

The solution seems simple enough; take the time to ensure accurate performance. It’s about abandoning the thinking there’s no way to create an accurate end-to-end testing environment that produces realistic results but Lanowitz argues that’s not true.

“The advent of tools such as service virtualization and virtual and cognitive-based labs gives you an environment as close to production possible,” Lanowitz argued.

According to Lanowitz, there are tools that can help future-proof your applications. After all, it’s all about delighting the customer right? But, can virtualization really substitute and simulate your applications?

“Applications should always have an actual end-to-end test conducted,” she said. “However, service virtualization makes it possible for incomplete or unavailable systems or components to be simulated in an end-to-end fashion.”

She adds that it assists with removing the constraints of cost, quality and schedule.

Future-proofing is an important because the cost of re-work can skyrocket if the right provisions aren’t in place. IT professionals may be in the race to meet time-to-market pressures but performance should no longer be frequently ignored.